Friday, 30 March 2012

Just a little update!

Hey All!

So today is officially the end of day 4, and so far honestly, its going amazing. Compared to times in the past where I have done this cleanse, I had felt deprived and definitely had cravings, yet this time, NONE! I do not feel deprived at all, I am satisfied after meals and don't even think about snacking, and honestly I think its because this time Im actually eating the filling foods that I wouldn't have allowed myself before (healthy fats such as avocados, olive oils, oatmeal, chia seeds, hemp hearts, almonds, etc) It seems odd but these things are things that I considered completely OFF LIMITS before! Ive just not been able to stop telling people how amazed I am with myself for all of this because it honestly goes against everything Ive ever believed in (diet wise) and contrary to what Ive always been taught to lose weight. Fat used to be the enemy, and now its something that keeps me satisfied, something that my body actually needs to function correctly, and is not something that keeps you from losing weight, its actually the opposite. Fat is not what makes you fat, SUGAR is what makes you fat!! And I know its only been 4 days but my hair is feeling so soft and my skin tone is improving. And like I said, the most major thing is that Im satisfied (with smaller portions) and not snacking at all. I have no desire!

One other thing I thought I'd mention is how amazing it is to see how eating the proper foods, as I like to say "foods from the earth" only, how you don't need to TRY and get all your servings of this and that or your vitamins etc, you just do. And another thing (that may have contributed to what I post below, is that the sodium intake amount per day has decreased SO DRASTICALLY its incredible, Its hard to believe how much is in everything you eat on a daily basis, and how now Im hardly even coming close to the daily suggested %. Also, your need for certain vitamins (vitamin C, A, etc) Ive found Im already getting so much of this (more than my daily %) just from eating the right foods. So that cuts out the need to take these supplements, which I found out today, the orange flavoured chewables that I used to eat, have aspartame in them (along with a list of other chemicals/bad things). Needless to say they got tossed out!

I could go on and on about this, and probably will in the next few days, as even more changes occur (all of them are amazing and great so far and Im just thrilled!!) I wanted to share the most EXCITING news of all of this! I weighed myself this morning, so that would have been after 3 full days on the cleanse, and I have lost.... wait for it... 8.5 LBS!!!!! In 3 DAYS!!!!! Im so excited, because I had told my mom that my goal for the 12 day cleanse was to lose 10 lbs, and my mom said " dana dana dana you have to be realistic" and after weighing myself and seeing what a drastic loss it has been already Im just super excited to see how much I'll lose by the end of it, and then of course I'm going to carry on the eating of the cleanse afterwards so I hope to get to my ultimate goal weight which would be a total loss of 20 lbs, and its crazy to think Im already almost half there, in 3 days! AH! The power of all natural, clean, healthy foods! Amazing :)
I will go into more detail about what I've been eating, as its quite different from previous times, (some the same, but a lot different) perhaps tomorrow night I'll post some typical days meals, and also some recipes, and pictures :)
Thanks for listening to this, if you have any questions just comment :)

xox Health and HAPPINESS!!!


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